Rose Apple Cake to celebrate Autumn


I was at the market, always here, and again chatting with my fav  greengrocer,Sabrina, I  was there among the crates of […]

Rose Apple Cake to celebrate Autumn2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

Autunno, la tavola si fa bella per te


 Tra dolci, fiori e zucche: la tavola  si fa bella per l´autunno.

Giorni e giorni di organizzazione e finalmente l´incontro di due creativitá: Peperosa Flowers e Inside My Bag… fanno faville!


Autunno, la tavola si fa bella per te2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

Almonds treasure




(Per la versione italiana del testo vai a fine post)

Being by myself for some […]

Almonds treasure2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

Happy B-day “Inside my bag”: 3 years!!!



Today I received an email: “Inside my bag” turned three today. Yes… Yes, it´s true. Ooops! I almost forgot it.

Stamani ho ricevuto una mail: “Inside my bag” compie tre anni oggi.  Si… Si, é vero! […]

Happy B-day “Inside my bag”: 3 years!!!2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Blood Oranges Upside-down Cake


Still winter, even if we are having a very warm and  atypical one… we still have to wait some months for cherries, berries, apricots, melon…indeed the very irresistible one. But now why should not have […]

Blood Oranges Upside-down Cake2016-11-06T11:42:44+01:00

Winter Red Pearls…pomegranate!


(Vai a continue reading per il testo in Italiano)

Between a post and  the other on my culinary experiments I am here to write about the work I have done lately.
Alice Cucina (the […]

Winter Red Pearls…pomegranate!2016-11-06T11:42:44+01:00

This has been really a strange summer



My head has been spinning all time, looking for some peace and I did as well: I have been all around in Italy, also I travelled back and forward to Malmö twice.

The first trip has […]
This has been really a strange summer2016-11-06T11:42:47+01:00

Martini & Rhubarb


Rabarbaro 7552_SabrinaRossi

Sometimes you don´t need to go out, you just want chill out at home, maybe with the one you loved, or with your best friend […]

Martini & Rhubarb2016-11-06T11:42:47+01:00

Artichoke…don´t forget that I am flower!



Deep fried artichokes, Jews Roman Style.

There are just two special ingredients for this simple amazing recipe: roman artichokes and olive oil (a lot).

The roman artichokes have a big, short and firm flower. This is not […]

Artichoke…don´t forget that I am flower!2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Spring is here.



Spring LillasSweden is beautiful but it is even more when the sun is shining.

All the lilac´s bushes are in flower now.  The scent of this flower […]

Spring is here.2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Holidays part 1: White Sweet Christmas…


This is going to be our second Advent in Sweden.

And for who loves Christmas as I do, this is the perfect place around December.

A couple of my friends will love to come here just to […]

Holidays part 1: White Sweet Christmas…2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Would you like a warm Soup?


 Outside it´s snowing.

I found my self staring out the window (actually, I found my cat doing the same) the white and soft snowflakes coming down.

Today, I have been out just enough to appreciate […]

Would you like a warm Soup?2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Macarons…first batch!


How many times did you think “ohh look that macarons, they look so nice, and so good and so complicated to do”?


I always thought […]

Macarons…first batch!2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Dark Chocolate with Marsala Pears


Here I am, again, baking  for a dinner on Saturday evening. This time a pleasant  Italian-Swedish night. Ohh! So nice finally we could speak Italian and sharing our experience in Sweden.

Gianluca e Kamila are amazing! […]

Dark Chocolate with Marsala Pears2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Torta di mele vs Apple pie


Yesterday we were invited to a party here in Malmö.

It´s always the question “what should we bring?”

It´s even more complicated with international friends. What´s bon ton here?

But…I haven´t been questioning too much,  so I decided […]

Torta di mele vs Apple pie2016-11-06T11:42:49+01:00

Whole wheat flour for your tart


…the perfect base for your strawberries!

I was in the supermarket and I found this cute flour bag, attracted as a moth to light, I bought it.

It´s just whole wheat flour but I have never tried […]

Whole wheat flour for your tart2016-11-06T11:42:49+01:00

Just Pizza


There are no so many thinks to say about the pizza! Almost everyone love it! Everyone has his favorite pizza.

Here you´ll find the basic recipe for the pizza with sourdough “Neapolitan-style”. High, crunchy and taste […]

Just Pizza2016-11-06T11:42:49+01:00

Wild garlic pesto


Aglio orsino 0004

Ramson or wild garlic (Allium ursinum) is a fantastic plant with a depurative, antiseptic, anti-asthmatic and hypotensive properties.


Wild garlic pesto2016-11-06T11:42:49+01:00

Exploded Fruit


Uno dei miei progetti fotografici realizzato con l’aiuto del mio food stylist, Andrea.




Exploded Fruit2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00

Take-away Lunch


I want to prepare something quick for lunch the next day, as usual, during the evening and in a hurry.
A take away lunch must has, in my opinion, some specials features: easy to carry, […]

Take-away Lunch2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00

Chicken croquette with home made chili sauce


Yesterday, I was at home earlier than Andrea. I knew he would have been at home late really tired and a little bit stressed.  So I wanted to cheer him up.

I arrived […]

Chicken croquette with home made chili sauce2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00

Cantucci (English)


(if you would like to see the italian version of this post. Clicca sul link per la ricetta in italiano).

We moved here but our heritage of […]

Cantucci (English)2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00



Ci siamo trasferiti qui ma il nostro retaggio di ricette italiane rimane intatto, e ogni tanto la domenica, quando fuori fa ancora troppo fresco per un pic-nic vicino al canale. Ci divertiamo a infornare qualche […]


Parmigiana di Zucchine


The spring is coming at least this what it´s said here in Malmö. After 5 days of temperature over 6 degrees it is officially spring.

I like the idea. I can say that the spring is […]

Parmigiana di Zucchine2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00

Semla & Carnival


Semla & Carnival. What´s the connection?

If you ask to anyone here in Sweden. They don´t know anything about carnival or mardi gras.

But, last year I was here around January and February and I saw for […]

Semla & Carnival2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00

Snow (Neve)


Coming back home after a day of work. I am sitting on the train right now.

Outside there is a beautiful sunset, blue dipping in the red and the reflections of the sun on […]

Snow (Neve)2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00

Bagels and mother yeast


Here we are two experiments in one…easy things are not for me!

I am trying to “growing” my mother yeast but…we can say that it is really “young” … it has just one month of life. […]

Bagels and mother yeast2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00

Just an egg!


I was looking for something easy to eat for lunch…

so I thought “maybe just an egg with a salad?”

But I prefer to eat when my food is not only good but […]

Just an egg!2014-01-18T23:40:02+01:00

Small juicy red pearls…Granatäpple


I tried a bite of this fantastic fruit in the market (I didn´t ask for it…but it was a nice gift from the greengrocer) and then I couldn´t resist and I have bought it….


Small juicy red pearls…Granatäpple2014-01-18T23:41:26+01:00

Breakfast with Camille


No Camille it’s not a name of a friend.

I don’t think that here in Sweden anyone knows about the Camille. In Italy it sounds like breakfast for all the kids of my age.

But […]

Breakfast with Camille2014-01-18T23:41:36+01:00

Raspberry Muffins


Sweden! Here we are!

Now I am not  going anymore around looking for italian markets but having a walk in Malmö I already found some place where shop fresh fruits and vegetables.

Naturally the most of vegetables […]

Raspberry Muffins2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00

Cupcakes all’italiana


Nasce dal desiderio di imparare a sfornare prelibatezze e quello di conoscere qualche segreto della fotografia il nostro gemellaggio: io e Alessandra (la cuoca provetta) ci siamo cimentate in questo passo a due cucina-fotografia. 


Cupcakes all’italiana2016-11-06T11:42:52+01:00

Black and White Cupcakes


Yes I did it! Ok, they are no so good looking as in Martha Stewart book but this was my first time!

I mixed up the recipes from two different blogs and this […]

Black and White Cupcakes2016-11-06T11:42:52+01:00

My first Post



This is my first post into my blog…I am really exited about that.  I don’t know very well where should I start so I decided to introduce me through some pictures. 

Photography is a […]

My first Post2016-11-06T11:42:52+01:00
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