Kanel Bullar… Sweet Cinnamon Buns for Fika

Kanel Bullar… Sweet Cinnamon Buns for Fika2019-07-31T16:05:26+02:00

Insalata Pantesca. Ricetta.




2 patate

300 g Pomodori ciliegino (meglio se Pachino)

1 Cipolla rossa

3 cucchiai di  capperi sottosale panteschi (circa 15)

15 […]

Insalata Pantesca. Ricetta.2016-11-06T11:42:40+01:00

Easter Dove Cake… not a common Colomba


La Colomba, Pasqua e una semplice domenica in famiglia

Colomba 3_small


Easter has been one week ago… and it was the peaceful holiday day with the family that it […]

Easter Dove Cake… not a common Colomba2016-11-06T11:42:41+01:00

Beetroot cake.. for New year’s wishes



The color of  New Year’s Eve and First and New Year Day for Good Luck, in Italy, is RED!!

So to wish you an amazing 2015 rich of all beautiful moment I will dedicate to you […]

Beetroot cake.. for New year’s wishes2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

Risotto stracco e bietole rosse



Risotto with Stracchino Cheese  and Red Beet (see photo in the end) keep reading for an Italian & English version…


Fall […]

Risotto stracco e bietole rosse2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

Happy Pumking day!


Il 31 di Ottobre, ricevo messaggi dai miei amici che mi vorrebbero vestita da strega a festeggiare la notte dei morti.  Ma non fa per me, quando eravamo piccoli noi questo Halloween non c’ era… […]

Happy Pumking day!2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

Leaving Case Vecchie (Some weeks ago)


Per la versione italiana vai a fine post (For the Italian translation go to the end of the post)

Finally I made it. I am on the train and in… eight hours I will be home. […]

Leaving Case Vecchie (Some weeks ago)2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Day 4: Good morning Sicily


Sto scoprendo con mio sommo piacere che le specialitá siciliane sono i dolci e i primi.

I am discovering with really great pleasure that Sicilian delicatesse are mainly desserts and first course…

Day 4: Good morning Sicily2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Happy B-day “Inside my bag”: 3 years!!!



Today I received an email: “Inside my bag” turned three today. Yes… Yes, it´s true. Ooops! I almost forgot it.

Stamani ho ricevuto una mail: “Inside my bag” compie tre anni oggi.  Si… Si, é vero! […]

Happy B-day “Inside my bag”: 3 years!!!2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

A taste of Italy: second part.


Two weeks before Lina came I was speaking with Simona, “It would be nice to show something typical of our Italian style of life” so she proposed to go for a Fraschetta.

Going to a  Fraschetta […]

A taste of Italy: second part.2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

A taste of Italy: first part.


A couple of weeks ago I had a good friend of me visiting  from Sweden.

You know when you meet a person, when you are already a grown up and you just connect? You start to […]

A taste of Italy: first part.2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Uova di Pasqua


Un veloce post solo per augurare a tutti Buona Pasqua…

Just a quick post to wish all an Happy Easter…


È mezzanotte sono in cucina, ho appena sfornato il pan brioche […]

Uova di Pasqua2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Un weekend in Sicila: Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking School


Parlando dell´Italia ho sempre sostenuto che il posto piú bello da visitare fosse la Sicilia, visitata giá due volte ma mai veramente goduta a pieno.

Quindi questa volta dovendo scendere a Palermo per un servizio ero […]

Un weekend in Sicila: Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking School2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Blood Oranges Upside-down Cake


Still winter, even if we are having a very warm and  atypical one… we still have to wait some months for cherries, berries, apricots, melon…indeed the very irresistible one. But now why should not have […]

Blood Oranges Upside-down Cake2016-11-06T11:42:44+01:00

The Fairy Princess


Vai a continue reading per il post in italiano

Last week, I spent some days with my brother´s family. My little sweet nephew and nice, Gabriele e Giulia, really made me super happy, we […]

The Fairy Princess2014-02-25T21:45:47+01:00

New look…same blog!


Finally, after more than one year I found the correct aspect for my blog.

You will find the same contents but organized a little bit better (hopefully).

You can search for tags, you can search […]

New look…same blog!2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Snow (Neve)


Coming back home after a day of work. I am sitting on the train right now.

Outside there is a beautiful sunset, blue dipping in the red and the reflections of the sun on […]

Snow (Neve)2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00

The days after Xmas…


First Swedish Christmas…it´s gone.

And now we are removing our tree!

I like Christmas but I like also when it´s finished. I feel more powerful with a lot of new ideas and project.

I start […]

The days after Xmas…2014-01-18T23:27:41+01:00

Berry Jam Crostata


Everything started from a barter: a small bottle of oil for a jar of jam.

Michele´s berry jam for italian olive oil, precisely.

So good I tasted immediately and I decided that this jam deserved […]

Berry Jam Crostata2014-01-18T23:38:20+01:00




Cupcakes al limone


Con Alessandra non potevamo non fare anche un dessert.

Ideali per una festicciola, questi cupcake al limone sono cosí eleganti che andrebbero benissimo anche su un buffet di un matrimonio, ma non rinuncerei a provarle semplicemente […]

Cupcakes al limone2014-01-18T23:39:52+01:00

Cupcakes all’italiana


Nasce dal desiderio di imparare a sfornare prelibatezze e quello di conoscere qualche segreto della fotografia il nostro gemellaggio: io e Alessandra (la cuoca provetta) ci siamo cimentate in questo passo a due cucina-fotografia. 


Cupcakes all’italiana2016-11-06T11:42:52+01:00

Looking for ispiration:


I was watching this film and I tried to recreate the same mood for pictures of a simple food as “fried rise”. And this is the result.

Wonderful photography of Dion Beebe […]

Looking for ispiration:2011-07-11T11:03:13+02:00

Week-End Fotografico


Fotografie, allegria e chiacchiere.

Decisamente un bel fine settimana, divertente e produttivo.

Grazie a Monique la mia bellissima modella (che vi assicuro non è una modella professionista anche se non si direbbe) abbiamo scattato molte foto. All’inizio […]

Week-End Fotografico2011-07-06T16:09:00+02:00



Vedere le lacrime di gioia di una sposa mentre rivede i momenti più belli del proprio matrimonio…una sensazione inspiegabile. Forse soddisfazione, gioia e sollievo.

Grazie ancora ai miei sposini.


Found them!


This is for my mum and my friends that want to know the result of the shoes-hunting.

It was a good hunting…

I was looking for a turquoise or light-blue color and…

Yep! I bought this […]

Found them!2011-06-23T07:39:00+02:00

Still bag


Speaking of bags…still

Are you looking for the perfect bag? This is a photographer bag and it looks completely vintage.

If you are interested there is the possibility to win it!

Look at the […]

Still bag2011-06-23T06:57:42+02:00



“Inside my bag” is also the name of the blog…this is because you can learn a lot of things about someone looking into his/her bag. The bag sometimes is a piece of our […]


My first Post



This is my first post into my blog…I am really exited about that.  I don’t know very well where should I start so I decided to introduce me through some pictures. 

Photography is a […]

My first Post2016-11-06T11:42:52+01:00
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