Pantelleria… Mare lavoro e fotografia


Uno dei pranzi più buoni e gustosi di questa estate, lo ha preparato Costanza, amica e proprietaria di questi dammusi, Le Case del Principe, per me e per Lù (in viaggio con me).


Pantelleria… Mare lavoro e fotografia2016-11-06T11:42:40+01:00

A photographer in a real Kitchen… Cooking School


Una divista Bianca, La toque un set di coltelli e.. una macchina fotografica

(English text after read more)

Ormai sono passati mesi…

Ma rileggevo alcuni appunti per “post mai postati” ed eccone uno di qualche […]

A photographer in a real Kitchen… Cooking School2016-11-06T11:42:41+01:00

Rose Apple Cake to celebrate Autumn


I was at the market, always here, and again chatting with my fav  greengrocer,Sabrina, I  was there among the crates of […]

Rose Apple Cake to celebrate Autumn2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

Day 4: Good morning Sicily


Sto scoprendo con mio sommo piacere che le specialitá siciliane sono i dolci e i primi.

I am discovering with really great pleasure that Sicilian delicatesse are mainly desserts and first course…

Day 4: Good morning Sicily2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Holidays part 1: White Sweet Christmas…


This is going to be our second Advent in Sweden.

And for who loves Christmas as I do, this is the perfect place around December.

A couple of my friends will love to come here just to […]

Holidays part 1: White Sweet Christmas…2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

The days after Xmas…


First Swedish Christmas…it´s gone.

And now we are removing our tree!

I like Christmas but I like also when it´s finished. I feel more powerful with a lot of new ideas and project.

I start […]

The days after Xmas…2014-01-18T23:27:41+01:00




From Ystad…


Wake up in a lovely sunshine morning…we are in Österlen or more precisily in Ystad, southeast corner of Sweden. Go out to buy some fresh (gnam) bread in a lovely backery.

We are in […]

From Ystad…2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00




Just an egg!


I was looking for something easy to eat for lunch…

so I thought “maybe just an egg with a salad?”

But I prefer to eat when my food is not only good but […]

Just an egg!2014-01-18T23:40:02+01:00

Breakfast with Camille


No Camille it’s not a name of a friend.

I don’t think that here in Sweden anyone knows about the Camille. In Italy it sounds like breakfast for all the kids of my age.

But […]

Breakfast with Camille2014-01-18T23:41:36+01:00

Raspberry Muffins


Sweden! Here we are!

Now I am not  going anymore around looking for italian markets but having a walk in Malmö I already found some place where shop fresh fruits and vegetables.

Naturally the most of vegetables […]

Raspberry Muffins2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00

Verdura di Stagione


 Mi sto godendo gli ultimi giorni a Roma e lei mi sta regalando le sue fantastiche “ottobrate romane”: temperatura mite, luce calda, e colori splendenti. Anche andare al mercato è un piacere per gli occhi. […]

Verdura di Stagione2014-01-18T23:44:54+01:00

Black and White Cupcakes


Yes I did it! Ok, they are no so good looking as in Martha Stewart book but this was my first time!

I mixed up the recipes from two different blogs and this […]

Black and White Cupcakes2016-11-06T11:42:52+01:00

Apple-Heart Cookies


“An apple a day keeps…” No! I won’t start a post about cookies and apples with this famous sentence…

I didn’t decide to make cookies with apples because their are healthy.

I tried to bake […]

Apple-Heart Cookies2014-01-18T23:46:48+01:00

La Conserva Della Neve


Domenica all’aperto. Niente di meglio che passeggiare tra bancarelle e stand di fiori, piante e piccoli capolavori fatti a mano. Nel cuore verde di Roma, la bellissima Villa Borghese si è svolta “la Conserva della […]

La Conserva Della Neve2014-01-18T23:47:03+01:00


Vedere le lacrime di gioia di una sposa mentre rivede i momenti più belli del proprio matrimonio…una sensazione inspiegabile. Forse soddisfazione, gioia e sollievo.

Grazie ancora ai miei sposini.


My first Post



This is my first post into my blog…I am really exited about that.  I don’t know very well where should I start so I decided to introduce me through some pictures. 

Photography is a […]

My first Post2016-11-06T11:42:52+01:00
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