Pantelleria… Mare lavoro e fotografia


Uno dei pranzi più buoni e gustosi di questa estate, lo ha preparato Costanza, amica e proprietaria di questi dammusi, Le Case del Principe, per me e per Lù (in viaggio con me).


Pantelleria… Mare lavoro e fotografia2016-11-06T11:42:40+01:00

Leaving Case Vecchie (Some weeks ago)


Per la versione italiana vai a fine post (For the Italian translation go to the end of the post)

Finally I made it. I am on the train and in… eight hours I will be home. […]

Leaving Case Vecchie (Some weeks ago)2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Artichoke…don´t forget that I am flower!



Deep fried artichokes, Jews Roman Style.

There are just two special ingredients for this simple amazing recipe: roman artichokes and olive oil (a lot).

The roman artichokes have a big, short and firm flower. This is not […]

Artichoke…don´t forget that I am flower!2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Good Nettle!


Gnocchi ortica_SabrinaRossi
We all experienced the nettle as a bad plant. I think everyone as a kid has ran into it and then after that learned and […]

Good Nettle!2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Spring is here.



Spring LillasSweden is beautiful but it is even more when the sun is shining.

All the lilac´s bushes are in flower now.  The scent of this flower […]

Spring is here.2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Pasta c’anciova e muddica atturrata


If you are still reading after the name of recipe, it means that you are curious or you are thinking that from the pictures this pasta looks delicious…or both.


Pasta c’anciova e muddica atturrata2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Picnic per 2


Some ideas and recipe that I want to share with you perfect for a fast and simple romantic picnic in the park.

Idee Picnic

I […]

Picnic per 22016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Torta di mele vs Apple pie


Yesterday we were invited to a party here in Malmö.

It´s always the question “what should we bring?”

It´s even more complicated with international friends. What´s bon ton here?

But…I haven´t been questioning too much,  so I decided […]

Torta di mele vs Apple pie2016-11-06T11:42:49+01:00
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