Beetroot cake.. for New year’s wishes



The color of  New Year’s Eve and First and New Year Day for Good Luck, in Italy, is RED!!

So to wish you an amazing 2015 rich of all beautiful moment I will dedicate to you […]

Beetroot cake.. for New year’s wishes2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

This has been really a strange summer



My head has been spinning all time, looking for some peace and I did as well: I have been all around in Italy, also I travelled back and forward to Malmö twice.

The first trip has […]
This has been really a strange summer2016-11-06T11:42:47+01:00

Picnic per 2


Some ideas and recipe that I want to share with you perfect for a fast and simple romantic picnic in the park.

Idee Picnic

I […]

Picnic per 22016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Whole wheat flour for your tart


…the perfect base for your strawberries!

I was in the supermarket and I found this cute flour bag, attracted as a moth to light, I bought it.

It´s just whole wheat flour but I have never tried […]

Whole wheat flour for your tart2016-11-06T11:42:49+01:00
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