Autunno, la tavola si fa bella per te


 Tra dolci, fiori e zucche: la tavola  si fa bella per l´autunno.

Giorni e giorni di organizzazione e finalmente l´incontro di due creativitá: Peperosa Flowers e Inside My Bag… fanno faville!


Autunno, la tavola si fa bella per te2016-11-06T11:42:42+01:00

Happy B-day “Inside my bag”: 3 years!!!



Today I received an email: “Inside my bag” turned three today. Yes… Yes, it´s true. Ooops! I almost forgot it.

Stamani ho ricevuto una mail: “Inside my bag” compie tre anni oggi.  Si… Si, é vero! […]

Happy B-day “Inside my bag”: 3 years!!!2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Cantucci (English)


(if you would like to see the italian version of this post. Clicca sul link per la ricetta in italiano).

We moved here but our heritage of […]

Cantucci (English)2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00

Semla & Carnival


Semla & Carnival. What´s the connection?

If you ask to anyone here in Sweden. They don´t know anything about carnival or mardi gras.

But, last year I was here around January and February and I saw for […]

Semla & Carnival2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00

Snow (Neve)


Coming back home after a day of work. I am sitting on the train right now.

Outside there is a beautiful sunset, blue dipping in the red and the reflections of the sun on […]

Snow (Neve)2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00
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