Leaving Case Vecchie (Some weeks ago)


Per la versione italiana vai a fine post (For the Italian translation go to the end of the post)

Finally I made it. I am on the train and in… eight hours I will be home. […]

Leaving Case Vecchie (Some weeks ago)2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Blood Oranges Upside-down Cake


Still winter, even if we are having a very warm and  atypical one… we still have to wait some months for cherries, berries, apricots, melon…indeed the very irresistible one. But now why should not have […]

Blood Oranges Upside-down Cake2016-11-06T11:42:44+01:00

This has been really a strange summer



My head has been spinning all time, looking for some peace and I did as well: I have been all around in Italy, also I travelled back and forward to Malmö twice.

The first trip has […]
This has been really a strange summer2016-11-06T11:42:47+01:00

Exploded Fruit


Uno dei miei progetti fotografici realizzato con l’aiuto del mio food stylist, Andrea.




Exploded Fruit2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00

Verdura di Stagione


 Mi sto godendo gli ultimi giorni a Roma e lei mi sta regalando le sue fantastiche “ottobrate romane”: temperatura mite, luce calda, e colori splendenti. Anche andare al mercato è un piacere per gli occhi. […]

Verdura di Stagione2014-01-18T23:44:54+01:00
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